When you have completed taking data for your event, follow these steps to finish up:
- Be sure to upload your data by either hitting sync or upload.
- You can email the logs to yourself and your team or finalize it by clicking the 3 dots next to the event.
- The next screen will pop up and show you the options for what to do with your data.
- Go home and relax because there are no paper forms to scan in :).
You can email logs and close events from two places:
From the event card on the home screen:
- Hit Email Logs to email the PDF to you or your team members
- Hit the close event button to end data collection for that event
- Download data will allow you to download data once it has been synced to the web
From the Locations Screen:
Click Finalize to close the event, or click the three dots to see the email button and other options.