Working on the Same Event
You and your team can work concurrently on the same event. This is common in large sampling events. Follow these steps:
- Choose one person to Start a New Event.
- Have everyone else working on the event sync to get the event to show.
- Everyone can click into the event and take data as they normally would.
Viewing Other's Data
If your team member has synced their data, you can download their data and view it on your device.
- Have your team member sync their data if they haven't already.
- Find your event card and click the three dots, then "Download Event Data"
- The event will now be populated with their data.
*If you have synced within the last five minutes, you may receive a notification to wait 5 minutes and try again to download data. This is in place to ensure your data makes it to the server. Simply wait five minutes and hit download data again.